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Procedures to attend in-person Services 


Mask-wearing is required in Worship Service.

实体崇拜聚会仍旧在 11:00am 进行。

Services will begin at 11.00am, as per normal. 


Due to limited parking spaces, in order to avoid taking too long to find a parking space and affecting worship, we encourage everyone to park their cars in the parking lot near our church, and reserve parking spaces for families with children or elderly.



To allow members with needs to continue to be part of our services, our Sunday Worship services will continue to be online.

Children's Sunday school, Adult Sunday school, fellowships and other activities have gradually returned to physical gatherings. If you have any questions, please enquire from relevant personnel.

Covid Vaccine


Do Not meet the government criteria for in-person worship


Vaccination card

若您接种 MTF 批准以外的冠状病毒疫苗

Vaccines outside of the MTF approved list.

若您接种疫苗后未满 14 天

If you have not passed 14 days post vaccination.


Vaccinations received overseas but not approved by MOH yet

需 备 东 西

Things to bring



NRIC or any photo ID 

TraceTogether 程序 和/或 防疫器

TraceTogether App on and/or token. 


In the event of system error, please prepare:

下载 HealthHub app

Download the HealthHub app.


Verify vaccination status on the HealthHub app. 

预备Singpass 登录资料

Get ready your personal Singpass login details 

Screenshot 2021-07-21 at 8.56.09 PM.png

其 他 活 动

other activities


崇拜聚会依然会在 线上直播,




Services will continue to be streamed online.

This is to ensure that members who have yet to be vaccinated can continue to attend services.

All other church activities,

including Sunday School, Sunday Discipleship Classes, Fellowship etc.

will continue to be held online until further notice.

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