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2024 Great Commission Month

On 25th February 2024, Grace Baptist Church Chinese Congregation kicked off our Great Commission Month for this year! This year, the Evangelism Department prepared 2 training platforms and an opportunity for the church to live out the Great Commission.
25th February's Conversational Evangelism training saw over 80 brothers and sisters joining in to learn and share together. Brother Xuan Le shared about how we can become better listeners, so that we can better understand our new friends in order to share the Gospel to them. We also invited 2 friends from other churches to share their experiences with us, encouraging and inspiring our church in sharing the Gospel。
24th March saw the church joining in for another round of training and sharing, this time we learnt about the importance of Follow Up. Brother Xuan Le used an interactive way to revise what we have learnt during the last training, while our visitation group leaders shared their experiences, ups and downs for the past year. The real and authentic sharing provoked a lot of curiosity and questions from the brothers and
sisters, raising a lot of good discussions and sharing. The Evangelism Department also called upon the church, and welcomed them to find out more and to join in the visitation for this year, to prosper the Gospel!
The highlight of Great Commission Month has got to be our Easter Gospel Sunday. The Church saw over 10 new friends joining us in remembering and celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus, and joined us for a scrumptious lunch thereafter. Rev Peter Lin once again reminded us of the implications and link between the risen Christ and our lives. The Church also continued building bonds with the new friends over lunch.
As the Great Commission Month comes to an end, may we not stop living out the Great Commission in our lives, but rather let this be a kick start of how we can fulfill this commandment, testifying Christ daily! We welcome one and all to contact any one of our Evangelism Department Committee members to find out more about any of our ministries and how to be a part of us!

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[b] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28 : 18 - 20

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